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About The Tribal Law and Policy Institute

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) is a 100% Native American operated non-profit corporation organized to design and deliver education, research, training, and technical assistance programs which promote the enhancement of justice in Indian country and the health, well-being, and culture of Native peoples.


We seek to facilitate the sharing of resources so that Native nations and tribal justice systems have access to cost effective resources which can be adapted to meet the individual needs of their communities. We strive to establish programs which link tribal justice systems with other academic, legal, and judicial resources such as law schools, Indian law clinics, tribal colleges, Native American Studies programs, Indian legal organizations and consultants, tribal legal departments, other tribal courts, and other judicial/legal institutions. Through these collaborative alliances, we are implementing a synergistic approach to the delivery of services to Indian Country - accessing a wealth of talent and resources.



Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to enhance and strengthen tribal sovereignty and justice while honoring community values, protecting rights, and promoting well-being.


Our vision is to empower Native communities to create and control their own institutions for the benefit/welfare of all community members now and for future generations.

Our Objectives

  • To help create and support institutions and systems that work toward improving the welfare of Native communities, including future generations.


  • To support tribal sovereignty and autonomy.


  • To facilitate the empowerment of all Native individuals and communities that have suffered from abuse or abusive historical practices and policies.


  • To enhance the development of resources by making more options available, providing resources and tools for developing tribal sovereignty, and developing model service delivery systems that meet the needs of individual Indian communities in a culturally appropriate manner.


  • To assist tribes in building the capacity to be self-reliant by utilizing tribal members to meet the internally defined needs of the tribe.

Tribal Law and Policy Institute

Main Office 

8229 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 201

West Hollywood, CA 90046

Phone: (323) 650-5467
Fax: (888) 233-7383

Minnesota Office

161 Marie Avenue East 

West Saint Paul, MN 55118

Phone: (651) 644-1145
Fax: (651) 644-1157

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