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National Native Organizations

A number of national Native organizations have created COVID-19 specific resource pages including:


National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) has compiled multiple resources, including:

  1. Tribal Provisions in the recent COVID-19 Congressional Acts,

  2. Comprehensive look at Indian Country’s priorities, resources, and information regarding COVID-19, and

  3. COVID-19: Resources for Indian Country


National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) has created Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources with an extensive number of links and resources to information that supports planning and programmatic response.


National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) has published Pandemic Resources for Tribal Courts including NAICJA statement on COVID-19, tribal court orders from various tribal courts and resource information on NAICJA webinars including an April 2, 2020 webinar entitled Administering Justice in Tribal Courts during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  


National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC) has posted Resources in Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) that brings together resources and recommendations to support Tribal shelters and programs that are providing services during this time of social distancing and self-isolation.


National Indian Health Board (NIHB) has created a COVID-19 Tribal Resource Center with updates and communication, community health tools, advocacy tools, and a list of upcoming events and webinars, tribal response plans, and administration and agency response. In addition, they conducted a rapid survey to assess the needs of Tribes regarding the evolving novel coronavirus (COVID-2019) outbreak and published a Summary of COVID-19 Survey Responses.


National Council of Urban Indian Health (CUIH) has a Coronavirus Resource Center that brings together a large amount of resources, including letters on COVID-19 response, legislative updates, press releases and policy updates, news, fact sheets, and upcoming and past events.


National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) has links to FAQs and Housing and Urban Development’s HUD COVID-19 Resources and Fact Sheets.


National Indian Education Association (NIEA) has a page of Digital Resources for Learning at Home for educators and for parents, families, and communities.


Native American Finance Officers Association (NAFOA) has a COVID-19 Resource Page with the latest resources and legislative updates about the pandemic, including recordings of the tribal leader town hall meetings and links to download the meeting slideshows.


Every Friday at 5:00 pm Eastern Time, the Association on American Indian Affairs (AAIA) brings together the community to share twenty minutes in prayer, good thoughts, and unity of spirit. 

Tribal Law and Policy Institute

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8229 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 201

West Hollywood, CA 90046

Phone: (323) 650-5467
Fax: (888) 233-7383

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161 Marie Avenue East 

West Saint Paul, MN 55118

Phone: (651) 644-1145
Fax: (651) 644-1157

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