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Indian Nations Conference Video Series 


Starting in 2002, the Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) has partnered with the Office for Victims of Crime to coordinate and host a series of 8 National Indian Nations Conferences which bring together victim advocates, victims/survivors, tribal leaders, service providers, and federal/state agency representatives to share knowledge, experiences and ideas for developing programs that serve the unique needs of Indian country crime victims.


TLPI is pleased to offer the following videos from the Indian Nations Conference as part of our Indian Nations Conference Video Series. Simply click on the search bar and pick a conference year or title to browse. Alternatively, enter a phrase or name to find the title you're looking for.  Other information and resources from prior conferences can be accessed at the main conference website,  

Indian Nations Conference

Indian Nations Conference
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15th National Indian Nations Conference Slideshow
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15th National Indian Nations Conference Slideshow

15th National Indian Nations Conference - Opening Invocation - Ernest Siva
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15th National Indian Nations Conference - Opening Invocation - Ernest Siva

15th National Indian Nations Conference -  Opening Remarks Joye Frost
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15th National Indian Nations Conference - Opening Remarks Joye Frost

Tribal Law and Policy Institute

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8229 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 201

West Hollywood, CA 90046

Phone: (323) 650-5467
Fax: (888) 233-7383

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161 Marie Avenue East 

West Saint Paul, MN 55118

Phone: (651) 644-1145
Fax: (651) 644-1157

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