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Protocol Guide Series


TLPI is pleased to offer the following publications on developing protocols for criminal and civil issues in Indian country.

The Tribal Law Enforcement Protocol Guide is a tool for improving the investigation of sexual assault crimes through the development of an internal protocol for law enforcement, and includes a model sexual assault protocol. Effective investigations increase the likelihood of victim participation and increase the probability of convictions in tribal, state, and/or federal courts. A law enforcement protocol can enhance the efforts of all community agencies in addressing sexual violence. (2008) This publication was developed in partnership with the Southwest Center for Law and Policy.


This publication has not yet been updated to reflect the changes VAWA 2022 made to the scope of tribal jurisdiction including recognition of inherent tribal criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians who are charged with committing nine “covered crimes” – both the three initial covered crimes in VAWA 2013 (domestic violence, dating violence, and protection order violations) and six additional covered crimes (sexual violence, stalking, sex trafficking, child violence, obstruction of justice, and assaults against tribal justice personnel). For more information concerning VAWA 2022 please visit the VAWA 2022 webpage on the Tribal Court Clearinghouse

The Prosecutor Sexual Assault Protocol is a tool for improving the prosecution of sexual assault crimes through the development of an internal protocol for tribal prosecution, and includes a model sexual assault protocol. Holding offenders accountable for their actions is a key part of making your community safe. A prosecutor protocol can enhance the efforts of all community agencies. (2008) This publication was developed in partnership with the Southwest Center for Law and Policy.


This publication has not yet been updated to reflect the changes VAWA 2022 made to the scope of tribal jurisdiction including recognition of inherent tribal criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians who are charged with committing nine “covered crimes” – both the three initial covered crimes in VAWA 2013 (domestic violence, dating violence, and protection order violations) and six additional covered crimes (sexual violence, stalking, sex trafficking, child violence, obstruction of justice, and assaults against tribal justice personnel). For more information concerning VAWA 2022 please visit the VAWA 2022 webpage on the Tribal Court Clearinghouse

Sexual Assault Response Teams is a guide to creating cohesive policies between tribal agencies. Victims of sexual assault deserve a coordinated, comprehensive response from a variety of community agencies. This SART resource provides a starting point for developing victim-centered SART teams in your community. (2008) This publication was developed in partnership with the Southwest Center for Law and Policy.

This Protocol Development Guide is intended to help tribes and collaborating agencies develop the type of protocol that will serve the needs of the community and the children. The guide is specifically designed to provide direction and information to local Child Protection Teams (CPT) or Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT) toward development of protocols to address their system's response to child abuse and child sexual abuse. (2003) This publication was developed in partnership with the Southwest Center for Law and Policy.


Tribal Law and Policy Institute

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8229 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 201

West Hollywood, CA 90046

Phone: (323) 650-5467
Fax: (888) 233-7383

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161 Marie Avenue East 

West Saint Paul, MN 55118

Phone: (651) 644-1145
Fax: (651) 644-1157

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