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Request Technical Assistance


TLPI is pleased to be able to provide the following Tribal training and technical assistance (T/TA) services at no cost due to funding from the Children's Bureau, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, and the Office on Violence Against Women. To request T/TA, simply choose one of the following subject matters and you will be redirected to the appropriate project team. If you would like to receive T/TA to address other needs, please contact us  or visit our Fee For Service page for more information. 

TLPI provides assistance focused on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), tribal title IV-E programs, and  data systems. Contact the Child Welfare Capacity Building Center for Tribes (CBC4Tribes) to request technical assistance to help strengthen tribal child and family systems and services in order to nurture the safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth, and families.

Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts, also known as Tribal Drug Courts, integrate treatment with the tribal justice system to better treat and serve offenders with alcohol and substance abuse issues. Contact TLPI to request technical assistance to implement or enhance a Wellness Court in your community.

Collaborations between Native nations and states offer opportunities to expand services, enhance relationships, and better both justice systems, ranging from Memorandums of Understanding to Tribal-State Court Forums. Contact TLPI to request technical assistance to develop, promote, and strengthen tribal-state collaborations.

Collaborations between Native nations and states offer opportunities to expand services, enhance relationships, and better both justice systems, ranging from Memorandums of Understanding to Tribal-State Court Forums. Contact TLPI to request TA to develop, promote, and stregnthen tribal-state collaborations.

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Tribal Law and Policy Institute

Main Office 

8229 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 201

West Hollywood, CA 90046

Phone: (323) 650-5467
Fax: (888) 233-7383

Minnesota Office

161 Marie Avenue East 

West Saint Paul, MN 55118

Phone: (651) 644-1145
Fax: (651) 644-1157

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