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Sex Trafficking Publications 


TLPI is pleased to offer the following publications addressing law and policy issues on sex trafficking as it  impacts Native people and Indian country.    

Sex Trafficking in Indian Country: Advocacy Curriculum


The Sex Trafficking in Indian Country: Advocacy Curriculum (Curriculum) is designed to introduce information on sex trafficking of Native people, covering topics such as the definition of sex trafficking, red flags, trafficker tactics, screening for sex trafficking, and advocacy roles and responsibilities. The Curriculum consists of three components: Instructor GuideParticipant Workbook, and PowerPoints. (2020)

The Curriculum has not yet been updated to reflect the changes VAWA 2022 made to the scope of tribal jurisdiction including recognition of inherent tribal criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians who are charged with committing nine “covered crimes” – both the three initial covered crimes in VAWA 2013 (domestic violence, dating violence, and protection order violations) and six additional covered crimes (sexual violence, stalking, sex trafficking, child violence, obstruction of justice, and assaults against tribal justice personnel). For more information concerning VAWA 2022 please visit the VAWA 2022 webpage on the Tribal Court Clearinghouse

STIC. Advocacy Curriculum. Instructor Gu

This Instructor Guide provides guidance and information to instructors of trainings utilizing the Sex Trafficking in Indian Country: Advocacy Curriculum (Curriculum). While the Curriculum was designed specifically for Tribal Coalitions to utilize in training tribal victim advocates, it may be useful for tribal victim advocates and victim service providers to train others from any number of disciplines and professional backgrounds such as social work, nursing, tribal court, probation, tribal government, psychology, and victim services. (2020)

STIC Advocacy Curriculum PPT.png
STIC. Advocacy Curriculum. Participant M

This Participant Workbook component is a resource for participants attending the training or engaging in self-study of the Sex Trafficking in Indian Country: Advocacy Curriculum (Curriculum). The Participant Workbook corresponds to the other components of the Curriculum. (2020)

This Powerpoint Presentation provides strong visual support and salient information to participants and instructors of the Sex Trafficking in Indian Country: Advocacy Curriculum (Curriculum). Some slides are customizable to allow instructors to include regionally-specific information.(2020)

This Resource Book  is intended to provide Tribal Coalitions and tribal advocates with basic information on sex trafficking as it impacts Native people and to provide access to direct services that may assist victims/survivors of sex trafficking. This resource contains a 900+ page victim/survivor services directory that is organized by state. Only the states with a Tribal Coalition are represented in this directory. (2016)

Trafficking Fact Sheet- FINAL.png

This Fact Sheet discusses the definition of sex trafficking, trafficker tactics, risk factors, needs for victims of sex trafficking, and red flags. The fact sheet also provides suggestions on what communities can do to address sex trafficking and a short list of nationally-based resources. (2016)

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